by SMGraves | Sep 24, 2020 | Articles, Scott M. Graves
The Great Re-Set: A New Way to Build Communities We have an opportunity. It’s time. It’s OUR time. The period in which we are now living is history in the flesh at every moment. In times like these we would be missing a...
by SMGraves | Sep 23, 2020 | Articles, News, Scott M. Graves
A Post Pandemic Pattern of Urban Development To continue to promote an out-dated method of development is to demote the value of local business, local culture and local empowerment. As I write this, two businesses have closed down in as many days in the downtown...
by SMGraves | Sep 22, 2020 | Are We Here Yet, Podcast
Episode #8: Building A TOwn for a New Era: Alex Wade Alex Wade, Dir. Community Development, Orange (MA) Subscribe through Patreon Listen Now on Libsyn Listen Now on Stitcher Listen Now on iPodcast In Episode #8 we spoke with Mr. Alec Wade Alex is a recent...
by SMGraves | Sep 16, 2020 | Articles, News, Scott M. Graves
Why Us? Why Here? why now? “This curious world in which we inhabit is more wonderful than convenient; more beautiful than it is useful; it is more to be admired and enjoyed than used.” -Henry David Thoreau There is a disease infecting thousands of cities and towns in...
by SMGraves | May 1, 2020 | Articles, News, Scott M. Graves
On Externalizing Our issue is one of allocation, not of a scarcity of resources. It’s about how we pay for it and who pays, not whether it’s possible to make real what could be opportunity for all. By externalizing the cost of Education and Healthcare we may create...