Client Spotlight: The Daniels House

The Daniels House  & Business Triage Photo courtesy of Patrick Bentivegna The Daniels House is a Bed & Breakfast housed in a circa 1667 home in the historic city of Salem, Massachusetts. It is the oldest Bed & Breakfast in the United States.  Owners...

Client Spotlight

Joel DeSota From New Generation Designer Joel DeSota Happy Fall 2021! I am Joel DeSota. I currently live on a mountain top in Vermont and hold the title of artist of my life. I own my drafting business and am well on the way to making it a consistently profitable...

Consultant Spotlight

Susan Taylor Susan Taylor joined the SMG team as an independent partner in 2020.  As SMG developed the Business Triage Program, a state funded response for small business founder Scott Graves and David Lubelczyk of ImageIdentity, LTD called upon members of their...

SMG Programs & Services

Business Triage Business Triage was designed as a response to the challenges made worse by the global health crisis.  It was designed to assist small business beyond the pandemic, since most business issues facing us today were already there; simply made worse by...

SMG Founder Scott M. Graves announces Run for Office

June 18, 2021 Blog: 978-884-6596 For Immediate Release    Scott Michael Graves, owner of SMGraves Associates and former Executive Director of the Wachusett Business Incubator announces a run...

Special Announcement 02.25.21

For Immediate Release  To book appearances: 978-884-6596 M the Media Project, a grassroots initiative to deliver robust and sustainable local journalism is excited to announce the latest new podcast to our family of audio and video...