Independant Lense: Filmmaking Outside of Hollywood

The world of filmmaking continues to evolve. With software and technology making it easier and easier for both novice and seasoned filmmakers to pursue their imaginations and create films outside the restrictions of the entertainment industry.

Not to mention platforms like YouTube and social media making it easier and quicker to get their films out to a larger audience we couldn’t have dreamed of back in the 1980s or 1990s.

As technology changes, so does our outlook at how movies are produced.

On this episode Andrew, Jamie and Bret talk with filmmakers Andy Sawyer, Bob Heske, Joshua Leonard and Skip Shea. Four independent filmmakers who have unique approaches to creating film. But all work outside the confines of the establishment and create films that are both unique and entertaining.

We chat with them about how they got started, what are some of their inspirations and their preferred methods of creating a film. If you’re someone who wants to create a film of your own, we hope our guests will inspire you.


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