How Do We Transform our Rural Economies?

A $100 Billion strategy for Rural Massachusetts

Venture Capital & Housing Investment for a better Western MA

Dominic Endicott & Scott Graves

by M the Media Project | Season XI

Latest Episode

This paper does not aim to reach a conclusion, but to start a conversation.

Dominic Endicott joins us for a second time on the AWHY? Podcast to discuss a white paper co-published by Dominic and AWHY? Host Scott Graves, detailing a $100 billion dollar strategy for transforming the regional economy for Massachusetts, specifically the western third of the Commonwealth. By focusing on two top components of their proposal, housing and venture capital growth, listeners will understand the real potential for the region and a bit of how to start working on their own plan for the place they call home. 

Download our white paper on Knowledge Towns Strategy

Listen to Ep. 133 Knowledge Towns 

Dominic Endicott is co-author of 2023’s Knowledge Towns: Colleges and Universities as Talent Magnets along with Prof. David J. Staley of the Ohio State University.  Scott M. Graves is a real estate developer working in the Pioneer Valley and nationally in the youth urban and senior living markets. 

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