Scholar Ted Timreck

host Scott Graves and guest Sarah Nadler discuss women in business in spring 2023
Photo courtesy of Ted Timreck

To spend some time re-imagining the story of what came well before us on the North American continent has importance for understanding our future path towards a more equitable and just society. 

Our modern obsession with consumerism and modernity, emphasizing technology to solve our key issues isn’t working because people, not machines are at the core of our solutions. 

Our discussion with award-winning documentarian Ted Timreck invites you, our listener, to more closely examine epigenetics in a re-consideration for the cultures of the peoples who once shaped our continent. 

Consider the importance of environment in shaping us and our world, perhaps in doing so we, the technologists building for tomorrow can build that future to include more of us while building sustainability and meaningfulness; technology in its proper context.   

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