The Economics of a Post Roe America

Photo credit Chanel Dubofsky

We’ve tackled the social and political implications of Dobbs v Jackson on our sister podcast, On The Rocks Politica.
We’ve written essays on what it means to communities and to women from a broad spectrum of experience and socio-economic backgrounds on this podcast and at ‘Essays from An Artist.
So it was important here at M the Media Project that we tackle the economic implications on this week’s ‘Are We Here Yet?’ podcast.
Our guest, Chanel Dubofsky is an author, educator and advocate who shared with us a multiplicity of information regarding the economic implications for women and for society as a whole due to restrictions placed on women to access reproductive healthcare.
Chanel’s Lilith Article June 24 2022
About Chanel:
Chanel Dubofsky’s writing on reproductive health, abortion access, religion, and pop culture can be found in New York Magazine, Lilith, and others. She is currently working on a novel about American Jews in Israel and Palestine in the aftermath of the 1967 war, and appears in the new documentary ‘My So-Called Selfish Life’, about the choice to be childfree. The movie is streaming beginning July 29. She has an MFA in Fiction from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and lives in Brooklyn, NY.
For those in need you’ll find resources mentioned in our episode and then some here. Thank you to Chanel for providing both resources and insight to empower us all. We have a generations work to accomplish.
Abortion Resources
Learn about the difference between abortion pills (mifepristone and misoprostol) and emergency contraception (Plan B, Ella). What’s the Difference? The Abortion Pill vs. Emergency Contraception
Give to abortion funds in states that will absorb abortion seekers from states where abortion is banned (New Mexico, Illinois, Colorado, Minnesota). If you can’t give, spread the word about abortion funds.
Spread the word about abortion pills. Find out more at
Consider how you may hold and perpetuate abortion stigma, or negative attitude and wrong information about abortion by anti-choicers. Everyone has been impacted by abortion stigma, even if you work for abortion justice. Some examples of abortion stigma:
“I would never have an abortion, but…”
“No one wants to have an abortion.”
“Only cis women have abortions.”
“Abortion leads to infertility, cancer, depression (etc).”
You might not know that these 4 statements perpetuate abortion stigma, but they do
Let’s talk about the stigma of multiple abortions
Just 5 Things that are More Dangerous Than Abortion
Learn about Crisis Pregnancy Centers – anti choice medical clinics which use religions coercion and shame, as well as lies about abortion, pregnancy, and birth control to steer folx (particularly young people, queer people, and BIPOC) away from abortion care.
Pro-Truth Home – Pro-Truth (A map of CPCs in New York state)
How to Spot a Crisis Pregnancy Center Before You Walk in the Door
CPCs in New Hampshire:
Follow abortion justice and reproductive justice activists on social media: WeTestify, Indigeneous Women Rising, Shout Your Abortion, Yellowhammer Fund, SisterSong, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice,etc.
The Reality of Accessing Abortion in the Bluest of States
For Pro-Choice/Pro-Abortion People of Faith
You can be a religious person and support reproductive rights
Abortion’s Religious History—Forgotten Job of Clergy Pre-Roe
Rev. Warnock blasted for being a ‘pro-choice pastor,’ but his position isn’t uncommon
Why Some Progressive Christians Support Abortion Rights
Characteristics of U.S. Abortion Patients in 2014 and Changes Since 2008
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, National Council on Jewish Women, Catholics for Choice, Exhale Pro-Voice, Planned Parenthood’s Clergy Advocacy Board, Faithfully Radical, Chloe Specht, Spiritual Alliance of Communities for Reproductive Dignity

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SMG’s ‘Are We Here Yet’?

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