Masters of the Universe
Part I
Artwork by Paul Loudon. Used with his permission
Masters of the Universe hit toy shelves in 1982. Introducing the character of He-Man. Inspired by Conan the Barbarian and artwork of Frank Frazetta. It was a dramatic departure from the Star Wars figures which were popular at the time offering 5 ½ inch as opposed to Kenner’s 3¾ figures. Offering more articulation and detail to boot. But the series wouldn’t reach new levels of popularity until the debut of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe produced by Filmation in 1983. The animated series would go on to define the characters and flesh out the world which He-Man inhabited and have far greater longevity than even the toy line which inspired it. For many who grew up watching it in the 1980s, this cartoon was THE definitive version of Masters of the Universe.
From there spawned movies like the animated Secret of the Sword (which introduced us to He-Man’s long lost twin sister She-Ra) the infamous 1987 live action film starring Dolphh Lungdren (which is still a favorite to some fans of the series) a 1990 continuation The New Adventures of He-Man and a 2002 reboot which attempted to draw on the elements that made the original series so memorable while attempting to take the characters into a new direction.
Now this year, nearly 40 years after the launch of the toy line, Kevin Smith has produced a brand new series which can be described as a reimagined continuation of the original 1983 series. It continues the story where the series left off. But the feel and the artwork is slightly different from that series. There was a lot that animators couldn’t get away with on network television back then that you can get away with now on Netflix as far as action is concerned.
And boasting a top notch voice cast which includes none other than Mark Hamill as the voice of Skeletor.
Bret, Jamie, Andrew and Wayne discuss their first impressions of the new series from the trailers as well as their memories of both the toy line, the Filmation animated series and the movies growing up. And perform a scene from an unproduced Masters of the Universe production. The power has returned with Masters of the Universe: Revelation. And it’s only part one!!
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