Do It Now
Paul Richmond

Paul Richmond
We round out season 1 with Episode #33 where we spoke with 2020 US National Beat Poet Laureate, the pioneer valley’s own Paul Richmond.
Paul Richmind is a renaissance man for the 21st century. He is the owner of Human Error Publishing.
The National Beat Poetry Foundation headquartered in Wolcott, Ct. appointed Paul Richmond Beat Poet Laureate of the of USA 2019 -2020 and appointed Paul Beat Poet Laureate of Massachusetts 2017 to 2019.
Paul’s work is best described as political and deadpan, delivered wryly humorously in his own style.
He has been called Assassin of Apathy – “power of words / humor – on the unthinkable, the unsolvable, to analyze, to digest, to give birth, to creativity and hope”
His work has been published in six books, in many journals, magazines, anthologies and poetry collections.
He is a Pushcart Prize nominee. He has performed nationally and internationally, too many performances to list here. Paul is a native of Buffalo, NY and has been a fixture of our Pioeneer Valley community for 40+ years.
His band Do It Now, comprised of valley musicians Jo Sallin, Tony Vacca and John Sheldon blends the spoken word with a rich spectrum of musical textures. Their musical dialogue on stage is particularly exciting for those that get it.
Welcome to the home of SMG’s ‘Are We Here Yet?’ Podcast. We seek to produce vibrant storytelling from the entrepreneurs, creative-class warriors and dynamic citizens that collectively tell the story of modern-day America.
Add to that special tidbits like our Essays, Millennial Music Challenge, our Town Hall Mastermind Sessions and more. We hope you find enlightenment and entertainment in each episode we present.
About our Hosts:
Scott M. Graves is the founder of SMGraves Creative Enterprises. Most recently he was executive director of the Wachusett Business Incubator where the SMG team experimented with various programming to overcome the meaningless ‘ribbon cutting’ experiences so synonymous with much of our nation’s well-intentioned economic development. He is known for a steadfast resolve for intellectual rigor and business strategy. Nothing makes Scott feel more fulfilled than to help other develop their own unique creativity which leads to fulfillment in work and life.
An entrepreneur in his own right, Scott previously operated the former Smash Music. Along with ImageIdentity’s David Lubelczyk their team developed Leadership Candidates Program for immersive support of new enterprise and Business Triage, a direct response to the issues now exacerbated for small businesses since the spread of Covid-19.
Cameron McLeod is the Producer of the ‘Are We Here Yet? Podcast. Since his high school days he has been behind the scenes of multiple productions ranging from directing live football games to filming short movies. Using his musical prowess and his technical skills gained from working as an IT professional, Cameron taught himself what it takes to mix and produce music of his own creation. To this day, he strives to better these skills whenever he can.

Underwriting the ‘Are We Here Yet?’ Podcast.
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